Brazspice International Spice Export and Trade
Exporting our Spice Brokerage House Varieties:
HP - hand selection of the biggest and highest quality cloves.
Lal Pari - finest quality after hand picked cloves
Grade 1, FAQ,
Cloves Stem. These are the stems of the clove flower bud. They possess the odor and taste of cloves, but are deficient in volatile oils. They are largely used as an adulterant in ground cloves and in the manufacture of clove oil.
Offering Conventional + Organic Cloves from different origins.
Let us know your need.
The first reference to another costly spice, cloves, can be found in Asian literature – in the Chinese Han period, it was called by the name ‘chicken-tongue spice’. From the eighth century onwards, it became a major spice in European trade. In Indonesia’s Moluccas Islands, where cloves were first found, parent would plant a clove tree when a child was born. The trees were planted in such a way that they always faced the sea. Over the years, clove forests became so fragrant and beautiful, they drew hundreds of visitors from far and wide. Wars were fought to gain exclusive rights to this profitable business. When the Dutch East Indies colonised the Moluccas Islands, they tried to control their monopoly by destroying every clove tree that grew anywhere else. However, by the 1800s, the French managed to establish a smuggling operation, transporting clove tree seedlings to Zanzibar and Pemba, virtually breaking the Dutch monopoly.
Cloves are one of the highly prized spices, widely recognized all over the world for their medicinal and culinary qualities.
Cloves are the immature unopened flower buds of a tropical tree. When fresh, they are pink, dried, they turn to a rust-brown color. Clove trees grow to be about 8 to 12 meters (25 to 40 feet) tall. The trees are usually propagated from seeds planted in shady areas. They begin to bloom around the fifth year; each tree can produce up to 34 kg (75 pounds) of dried buds with varying lengths ranging from about 13 to 19 mm (0.5 to 0.75 inches)
The spices actually are the “flower buds” from evergreen rain – forest tree. Cloves are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, the component responsible for clove’s powerful effects and odor is a substance called Eugenio.
Health Benefits of Clove
● Contain important nutrients ■ High in antioxidants ■ May help regulate blood sugar ■ Most effective when included as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
● Here in Brazil, the clove producing state is Bahia. Known as “gyrofleiros”, the trees reach up to 15 meters in height and are considered adults before the age of 20. They can bear fruit for more than half a century. The harvest is done twice a year – at the end of summer and in mid-winter.
● Brazil Bahia Cloves are a sort of smaller and mainly strike due to their dark color, smell and aroma – having one good volatile oil, should be very similar to the Indonesian product. Bahia 1 (Especial), Bahia 2, 3 and 4. The price is most of time is a little higher of others origins.
● East India Cloves represents the best quality. They are short and thick, light brown, rich in essential oil.
● Africa Cloves – smaller and darker.
● America Cloves – elongated, black or reddish-brown, less flavors and therefore of lower quality.
● Comoros/ Madagascar Cloves are perfectly spicy and sweet with a strong aroma. Cloves from Madagascar and the Comoros belong to the same botanical species.
● Zanzibar Cloves Once the world’s largest producer. Yield the highest-quality oil, flavor and spicy- sweet aroma. Reddish/ dark brown/ blackish color.
● Sri Lanka Cloves Conventional & Organic blackish and reddish mixed. High Eugenol Content. Sri Lankan Organic HPS Cloves are comprised of 17-23% volatile oils and 72-90% of it is Eugenol, which dominates aroma and causes the characteristic, strong, aromatic, spicy flavor.
● Indonesia Cloves Sun Dried: it has the similar character with Zanzibar cloves which has a reddish/ dark brown/ blackish color. Ambon Cloves with high content oil, makes this variety become the one of sought-after cloves. Indonesia is the world's biggest cloves producer.
Ambon and the islands around this city (Maluku Islands) famously known for its spices (Cloves and Nutmegs) . These 2 spices are one of the sought.
Offering: Lal Pari, HP, grade 1, grade 2,
Indonesia is one of the largest clove producers in the world with an annual production capacity of 140 KMT per year, giving the country its title as ‘the Spice Islands’. With roughly 75% of the market share, Indonesia is fulfilling the majority of global demand for this fragrant, aromatic flower bud. Cloves are an essential spice, used widely for cooking purposes, and are a star ingredient in our classically known mulled wine, Masala chai tea, and hot apple cider. In addition, cloves have inflammatory properties that serve an important purpose in medicinal products.
With a total plantation size of 450 Kha, the largest clove producing-provinces in Indonesia are Sulawesi, East Java, Central Java, Sumatra, and Maluku. The peak season for our cloves is between October and November. Collectively, our Indonesian clove producers have the ability to produce over 2,000 MT/year, to be allocated to exports. Production facilities have implemented a combination of machinery such as conveyor belts, dryers, and blowers, as well as human expertise to ensure proper inspection of the cloves.
Lal Pari Cloves: Lal Pari (brown-reddish) cloves is the finest quality after hand picked cloves. This grade contains high oil (above 18%) and min. 70% eugenol. Most Lal Pari grade varieties come from Indonesia because the type of soil and PH level in Indonesia is perfect to produce high quality of cloves.
For more detailed information about above products or any requires? Please send an email to spices@brazspice.com
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