Brazspice International Spice Export and Trade
What does ground nutmeg taste like?
Nutmeg has a fresh, rich aroma and a woody, bittersweet flavor with hints of clove. It is warm and aromatic with a deep flavor.
Indonesia is called as “Mother of Spices” because of its geographical superiority. Indonesian Nutmeg is renowned all over the world with more than 50 % of global supply hailing from the region. The quality and unique characteristic of Indonesian spice has become a standard in International spice community.
The nutmeg tree is a large evergreen, it produces two spices — mace and nutmeg.
Nutmeg is the seed kernel inside the fruit and Mace is the lacy covering (aril) on the kernel. The nutmeg seed is encased in a mottled yellow, edible fruit, the approximate size and shape of a small peach. The fruit splits in half to reveal a net-like, bright red covering over the seed, the aril. Under the aril is a dark shiny nut-like pit, and inside that is the oval shaped seed which is the nutmeg. Nutmegs are usually sold without the mace or hard shell.
Available : Nutmeg Aflatoxin EU Regulation.
Natural & Organic
Whole ABCD Papua ( Argentea SP )
Whole ABCD
Whole SS ( Shrivels )
Broken Premium
Nutmeg Whole, Nutmeg Whole Calibrated- 60/65, 80/85, 100/110, Nutmeg Broken/ Grinding Grade, Powder, TBC, C/S, Shell)
Health Benefits of Nutmeg
■ Pain Relief ■ Digestive Health ■ Brain Health ■ Blood Pressure and Circulation
Nutmeg freshly ground has an intensely perfumed aroma that is sweet, nutty, spicy, and faintly reminiscent of mint or eucalyptus, similar to the profiles of cardamom or pine. Nutmeg is best when ground fresh from whole seeds,
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